Saturday, May 30, 2009

enjoy and appreciate everything !

I make this last call, because most of the people forget these words from their vocabulary, and by doing this they lose the essence of life...because they are too hurried to make all sorts of school or work, and they forget to stop for one moment and enjoy or appreciate what surrounds them. So think clearly when your friend tells you something that sounds like arguing because his only saying it so that he protects you, or because he wants to help you. Appreciate a flower when you least expect it, or appreciate the gesture of your friend that helps you because sometimes he is doing this from his heart, and not to obtain something from you.
For example, if you ask a friend to help you with something at work or at school...and t
hat friend interrupts his busy schedule for you, ruins his plans and even has problems just so that he can help you to solve your problem, and at the end you say a simple and quick Thanks’ without knowing how he managed to help you. Appreciate life even when something bad happens to you, because this will be a lesson for you in life and you will know next time what to do when it happens to you again.
Appreciate every time when you go out with your friends or with your boyfriend or with your girlfriend, because it’s a special moment in your life and it will never be the same or with the same pe
If you are happy
and if you appreciate the presence or the help of your friends, you will make them happy with your smile or with a simple ‘thanks’, so don’t be selfish...look at the person besides you and think that he or she probably appreciates you. This will surely already bring a smile to your face.
I don’t really want to say that you must do extreme things and live your life every day like it will be your last... you will make excesses and you will regret it because the next day you wont have nothing to eat if is not the last...:)) So think twice.. :))

Friday, May 29, 2009

Leaflets = Interesting = Annoying

These leaflets that we get in touch with every day, from our mail box, from the street, or from some shops, are very useful some times if we forget about them in our pockets. Sometimes we can remember about one of them, on which we saw a shop or a restaurant that we want to go, but we don’t know the location or its schedule and we need them. But some times they can get really annoying because we receive them very often, and most of them don’t contain quality information...making them uninteresting and after some time they even become annoying.

You may believe it or not, but this is a serious subject and it’s discussed in some universities like I do in my business English class, so please be patient and read more about it because it may be interesting.

A leaflet is a written or pictorial message on a single sheet of paper. It has no standard size, shape, or format. In selecting the size, shape, and weight of the paper, the primary consideration is that the paper accommodates the message and this makes it easy to distribute it.
A ''propaga
nda'' message printed on a piece of paper is a permanent document. Once printed and delivered, it can be retained and readily passed from person to person without the distortion of the information. A properly developed and designed message (shape, color, format, texture, and other physical characteristics have been duly considered) can have a deep and lasting effect on the target audience. The printed word has a high degree of acceptance, credibility, and prestige. Printed matter is unique in that it can be passed from person to person without the distortion of the information. It allows the reinforced use of photographic and graphic illustrations which can be easily understood. Leaflets may be categorized as persuasive, informative, and directive pieces of paper. The persuasive leaflet attains its objective through use of reason. Facts are presented so that the audience is convinced of the conclusions reached by the propagandist. The informative leaflet is factual. In presenting facts previously unknown to the audience, it attracts the reading public by satisfying it’s curiosity. The directive leaflet directs an action when intelligence indicates the fact that the target is receptive.
Perhaps the question should be, “Do leaflets have a future?” In an era of instant electronic communications, leaflets might survive.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


This word called "friendship" is used by all the people but a few of them know the real meaning of it. A friendship is not based on favors, like who is visiting who more often, and who helps and who does not, but I must mention that this things feed it.
At the base of every friendship should be about the understanding of the other and not in the least the common thinking about different type's of subjects....because if we don't have what to discuss with the other it’s a sign that shows an incompatibility between them. Maybe I an I am to idealist to say that a good friendship must resist in time, and every time when the two friends meet, they must talk and feel like it’s the first da
y they met and that every time they can find out new things about each other. I must say that my friend Calin is right when he says that each person has selfish ambitions, and they are only concerned about what is going to happen with them, but I could add that the two friend share the responsibility for each other, because if you take a decision that its good for you and bad for your friend
,this decision will have unforgivable consequences, like a fight or a argue that could occur. If you take a decision that would make you suffer a little bit but your friend could be saved by this decision, you will find out latter that it was the best thing to do, because instead of a fight you win a friend that appreciates your sacrifice, and the next time you might get help when you least expect it from him.
I’m not going to close this subject before I mention the fact that between FRIENDSHIP and ENEMIES or between FRIENDSHIP and LOVE there is a thin line that could be crossed over any time (a true friendship doesn’t involves such things), and that will have direct repercussions on each other.
If you cross over that line, you can find out who your friend really is: an enemy that you should get rid off; or a mistake that can cause the loss of that friend. In the second case in which you cross over the line and get involved with the other, you can start a cute relationship or you can break the existing one by attempting such a thing, and cause the loss of your friend.
So I can say that there are two endings: a happy one or a bad one in the shown examples, and choosing between those two makes you take a important decision that could change your life.
In the end, I want to say that a person which is friendly with everybody, in fact has no friends, and I say that because it’s impossible to have such feelings for every one or for the others to state that they understand you. Each one of us is different in it’s own way, this being the reason of the impossibility for us to share a friendship with everyone....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

pleasure, passion or hobby?


Maybe I’m talking about a stupid issue but I’m sure that every people has a pleasure , a passion for something or a hobby that takes their precious time, time which they will spend with a lot of interest, because its their little thing, that makes them happy, regardless of their daily problems. This passion, hobby can occur at the beginning in childhood, because it’s at first done as something fun and in time it becomes a passion.
This passion or hobby for something, that keeps us interested, appeared as a re
sult of a family legacy, a gift from above or a occupation which now is exaggerated. This passion, pleasure or hobby can include a variety of things such as: 1.a collection of:coins,stamps,postcards,napkins, matches and even mugs(its strange but I heard about such things); 2 artistic skills:drowing,painting,sculpture, pottery or just building and disassembling things, and last but not least; 3 sports: like football, tennis, basketball, volleyball, jogging, etc.
In our days n
ew categories appeared, strange things like: watching soap-operas (telenovele), listening manele, playing computer games all day, excessive drinking of Coca-cola and the list can carry on....
Probably the new generation of children does not understan
d hobbies so well or simply aren't interested in them.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I have a passion or a hobby (call it how you want) for drawing and numismatics and when I want to focus on this two things I don’t give up until I get what I want, like obtaining the desired coin or finishing a beautiful drawing (by spending a lot of money or a lot of time).
Sacrifices must be done for feeding our passion or our hobby, but if we should start from childhood and focus on them (sports or artistic skills) they involve a lot of money an time and if we don't care about this passion, we forget about them or we sometimes do this in a excess for the sole purpose to satisfy our desire, isn’t it?
(The drawings are my personal creations)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

indifference kills us...

This is a very important issue; probably that people don't like talking about things like this but it’s a matter that affects us all. It’s called indifference and it’s the biggest problem of human kind. I say this because, with this attitude we destroy our self esteme.In our days every one thinks selfish because every one needs to solve their problems first, thinking: "leave the rest, I have more important things to do, than listening or helping another person".
This is not a problem of an individual, belonging to a certain culture, a heritage of mankind. We often see on the street or on TV a fight, a robbery or a accident that happens on broad daylight an nobody gets involved because they don't want to get hurt or only for the com
modity that would otherwise ruin their plans like: being late for work, being afraid of what the boss could tell them or because they don't want to go to the police station, giving statements for the victim. This will take their precious time and they have no time for such things.
That victim that is helpless and sees that nobody helps; she will be cold stone when another person will be hurt in front of her. Through these things, this lack of care and lack of interest for another, we will live in a society without feelings towards each other.
For a example a little thing that I encountered several days ago (its not even a small part of how indifferent can some people be): I was taking a walk through the neighborhood and in the park I stumbled on a schoo
lfellow of mine that looked at me and didn't say a word and kept walking...but this is not all...I entered in my apartment block and I saw a neighbor of mine that I have known from childhood, and just like my schoolfellow, rushed up the stairs saying nothing. They didn't see me...or they were too concentrated on their every day problems, having no time to spare chatting with me?