Saturday, May 30, 2009

enjoy and appreciate everything !

I make this last call, because most of the people forget these words from their vocabulary, and by doing this they lose the essence of life...because they are too hurried to make all sorts of school or work, and they forget to stop for one moment and enjoy or appreciate what surrounds them. So think clearly when your friend tells you something that sounds like arguing because his only saying it so that he protects you, or because he wants to help you. Appreciate a flower when you least expect it, or appreciate the gesture of your friend that helps you because sometimes he is doing this from his heart, and not to obtain something from you.
For example, if you ask a friend to help you with something at work or at school...and t
hat friend interrupts his busy schedule for you, ruins his plans and even has problems just so that he can help you to solve your problem, and at the end you say a simple and quick Thanks’ without knowing how he managed to help you. Appreciate life even when something bad happens to you, because this will be a lesson for you in life and you will know next time what to do when it happens to you again.
Appreciate every time when you go out with your friends or with your boyfriend or with your girlfriend, because it’s a special moment in your life and it will never be the same or with the same pe
If you are happy
and if you appreciate the presence or the help of your friends, you will make them happy with your smile or with a simple ‘thanks’, so don’t be selfish...look at the person besides you and think that he or she probably appreciates you. This will surely already bring a smile to your face.
I don’t really want to say that you must do extreme things and live your life every day like it will be your last... you will make excesses and you will regret it because the next day you wont have nothing to eat if is not the last...:)) So think twice.. :))


  1. Oh, Bogd, this post reflects so well everything that you told me, during the last months. And maybe it.s nice to repeat here what you have always told me " Don't lose your hope, you never know what the future holds.. "

  2. I agree with you!
    I think should learn to appreciate every moment more of our life.

  3. This is a very nice blog. I like your ideas and i think it's so true what you are writing here. People need to appreciate more what they have instead to seach more and more to accomplish what they do not have.

  4. you're right! people in our days has forgotten to enjoy life....we grew too fast!!!

  5. Stop and start thinking which the seven wonders of the world are?...
    In my opinion they are: to breath, to feel, to see, to hear, to live, to have true friends and to love!

  6. Beautifully stated. Supported :) :)

  7. Although your english is crappy, i like to read your blog,and especially this post, but i dont think you should talk to us about the simple and pleasant things in life when you work like a dog every day and YOU forget about them. Great blog. keep it real

  8. Nice ideas.We have only a life and we must know how to apreciate it.

  9. Shortly after reading your entry a great quote came to my mind. And it says "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".

    Life is short and we should appreciate every little moment.
    Wise advice ;)

  10. I have read all this blog and I think that the part of the friendship one is quite connected with this first part. A trully good friend can really make you appreciate the life, in every way and every moment.
