Wednesday, May 27, 2009

pleasure, passion or hobby?


Maybe I’m talking about a stupid issue but I’m sure that every people has a pleasure , a passion for something or a hobby that takes their precious time, time which they will spend with a lot of interest, because its their little thing, that makes them happy, regardless of their daily problems. This passion, hobby can occur at the beginning in childhood, because it’s at first done as something fun and in time it becomes a passion.
This passion or hobby for something, that keeps us interested, appeared as a re
sult of a family legacy, a gift from above or a occupation which now is exaggerated. This passion, pleasure or hobby can include a variety of things such as: 1.a collection of:coins,stamps,postcards,napkins, matches and even mugs(its strange but I heard about such things); 2 artistic skills:drowing,painting,sculpture, pottery or just building and disassembling things, and last but not least; 3 sports: like football, tennis, basketball, volleyball, jogging, etc.
In our days n
ew categories appeared, strange things like: watching soap-operas (telenovele), listening manele, playing computer games all day, excessive drinking of Coca-cola and the list can carry on....
Probably the new generation of children does not understan
d hobbies so well or simply aren't interested in them.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I have a passion or a hobby (call it how you want) for drawing and numismatics and when I want to focus on this two things I don’t give up until I get what I want, like obtaining the desired coin or finishing a beautiful drawing (by spending a lot of money or a lot of time).
Sacrifices must be done for feeding our passion or our hobby, but if we should start from childhood and focus on them (sports or artistic skills) they involve a lot of money an time and if we don't care about this passion, we forget about them or we sometimes do this in a excess for the sole purpose to satisfy our desire, isn’t it?
(The drawings are my personal creations)


  1. I also used to collect stamps and coins :)

  2. Most of us have the collecting instinct.That is why we have to keep certain objects just for the fun of it. Many children collect stamps, stickers, coins erasers and cards.My hobby is collecting watches.Some of my friendsare jealous of my collecions as I will not exchange my unique watches with them.

  3. My pasion is to paint and my pleasure is to make people smile....:)

  4. I have a hobby too :)) I have a hobby for ardeal, as you know already :))

  5. I think you have a great talent for desing and you should feel proud for it.
    Several years ago i collected stamps and cigarettes but i don't smoke.

  6. I also had a napkin collection, and stamps...But i heard of very unusual collections.
    Among those strange collecitons would be : vases, frames, candles (with the help of which you could burn down a house:)) etc.

  7. P.s I think collecting = obsession
    Because all people who collect something they will be permanently in search for that something...and there is no use (in my opinion) to collect thinks just for the sake of it.

  8. Now your paitings have only a sentimental value, but in a few years they will worth a fortune... don't forget us:P:D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Dear Bogdan,
    I was impressed by the very personal posts on your blog and especially by your drawing talent. I also used to paint - oil painting - but time is a killer of talents. Your artistic inclination is however, more impressive because you have chosen to follow a pragmatic career. I think you shouldn't give it up, and really regret that I had to ask you to make a final project to discover this.
    What do you think we should do for our students in the future to know them better?

  11. Interesting post, I am glad that the rest of the world can finally see your hand drawings that i admire very much. Also, i am glad to find out that you have other hobbies than building rail roads trough the jungle :P
    keep up the good work

  12. In response to my teacher i want to say that a hobby takes time and money...and this two are critical needs,and i just do it for pleasure.
    And to know the students better i think that we should encourage them to use their talent or their passion for use it in a projects like this,and to recognize their real abilities.

  13. I think collection is not always related with obsession. You can collect lot of things you like. At the moment you suddenly find them you decide to keep them, but you dont worry so much about the amount of the collection, just enjoy it.
    I'm not good in painting :( yours look really sentimental

  14. I agree with Cristina about the idea of obsession when collecting. I doubt whether a hobby such as collecting things could be called a "passion". As you said, a hobby takes time and money and in most of the cases not everybody has both of them.
