Tuesday, May 26, 2009

indifference kills us...

This is a very important issue; probably that people don't like talking about things like this but it’s a matter that affects us all. It’s called indifference and it’s the biggest problem of human kind. I say this because, with this attitude we destroy our self esteme.In our days every one thinks selfish because every one needs to solve their problems first, thinking: "leave the rest, I have more important things to do, than listening or helping another person".
This is not a problem of an individual, belonging to a certain culture, a heritage of mankind. We often see on the street or on TV a fight, a robbery or a accident that happens on broad daylight an nobody gets involved because they don't want to get hurt or only for the com
modity that would otherwise ruin their plans like: being late for work, being afraid of what the boss could tell them or because they don't want to go to the police station, giving statements for the victim. This will take their precious time and they have no time for such things.
That victim that is helpless and sees that nobody helps; she will be cold stone when another person will be hurt in front of her. Through these things, this lack of care and lack of interest for another, we will live in a society without feelings towards each other.
For a example a little thing that I encountered several days ago (its not even a small part of how indifferent can some people be): I was taking a walk through the neighborhood and in the park I stumbled on a schoo
lfellow of mine that looked at me and didn't say a word and kept walking...but this is not all...I entered in my apartment block and I saw a neighbor of mine that I have known from childhood, and just like my schoolfellow, rushed up the stairs saying nothing. They didn't see me...or they were too concentrated on their every day problems, having no time to spare chatting with me?


  1. This the greatest problem of human kind.. But i think INDIFFERENCE = SELFISHNESS.
    People do not think that they will need help sometime in their lives and as a result they do not help people in need.
    Hopefully this will change

  2. Surprisingly, people in Romania are like spies! As soon as something happends they will gather like flies and will not miss anything!
    But if someone needs their help...the great majority will fly away...quickly

  3. Hi, i totaly agree with your ideeas.

  4. In a world based on indiference and selfishness, maybe it.s time to make a change. And the change starts with you ..!

  5. The people are wonderful and difficult.How many of us know how to listen to a friend? How we cried with a friend is in pain? We no longer know how to console the people, relied too often "did time" as an excuse. We're strong when we say our friends we are busy, but we do not know that friend will suffer twice in that time: one that is suffering and the second as we turned back. We hurry to make fortunes, to find our place in society, to raise kids and then to make and took them, but forget to live.

  6. Unfortunately, this is a problem we have to face nowadays, is the cause of our daily problems and the reason why our contry is in its situation. we all are indifferent starting with a scavenger and ending with those who govern our country... good work and its very nice that you brought this subject up:P

  7. i think this is a more profound issue that needs to be thouroughly discusse. i dont think that you covered even a quarter of this issue but im glad you even gave a thought to this theme. i hope you will take you advices in consideration and put them in practice. keep writing and maybe you will start having a differnt view of the world

  8. i think you are quite right. It's a hard topic to deal with.
    Sometimes mankind sucks...

  9. I also think you have brought up a quite interesting issue and I have tried to translate an spanish idiom that fits with it: "There's no better disdain than to ignore". Sometimes it is quite useful, but of course this is just my point of view.

    I found another good option trying to translate the sense of the spanish idiom: "To damn with faint praise" and more easy: "Don't add wood to the fire".
