Thursday, May 28, 2009


This word called "friendship" is used by all the people but a few of them know the real meaning of it. A friendship is not based on favors, like who is visiting who more often, and who helps and who does not, but I must mention that this things feed it.
At the base of every friendship should be about the understanding of the other and not in the least the common thinking about different type's of subjects....because if we don't have what to discuss with the other it’s a sign that shows an incompatibility between them. Maybe I an I am to idealist to say that a good friendship must resist in time, and every time when the two friends meet, they must talk and feel like it’s the first da
y they met and that every time they can find out new things about each other. I must say that my friend Calin is right when he says that each person has selfish ambitions, and they are only concerned about what is going to happen with them, but I could add that the two friend share the responsibility for each other, because if you take a decision that its good for you and bad for your friend
,this decision will have unforgivable consequences, like a fight or a argue that could occur. If you take a decision that would make you suffer a little bit but your friend could be saved by this decision, you will find out latter that it was the best thing to do, because instead of a fight you win a friend that appreciates your sacrifice, and the next time you might get help when you least expect it from him.
I’m not going to close this subject before I mention the fact that between FRIENDSHIP and ENEMIES or between FRIENDSHIP and LOVE there is a thin line that could be crossed over any time (a true friendship doesn’t involves such things), and that will have direct repercussions on each other.
If you cross over that line, you can find out who your friend really is: an enemy that you should get rid off; or a mistake that can cause the loss of that friend. In the second case in which you cross over the line and get involved with the other, you can start a cute relationship or you can break the existing one by attempting such a thing, and cause the loss of your friend.
So I can say that there are two endings: a happy one or a bad one in the shown examples, and choosing between those two makes you take a important decision that could change your life.
In the end, I want to say that a person which is friendly with everybody, in fact has no friends, and I say that because it’s impossible to have such feelings for every one or for the others to state that they understand you. Each one of us is different in it’s own way, this being the reason of the impossibility for us to share a friendship with everyone....


  1. There are no friends just selfish ambitions :)

  2. I think friendship is the most important thing for a person. A person without friends is a withdrawn person, one who does not trust anyone near her. Honestly I think friendship is the feature that makes us human.
    You have a very interesting blog.

  3. A real friend is the one who see your first tear, catch the second, and stop the third..

  4. Hey bogdan!
    You have a very,very nice and interesting blog.
    I think friendship is very important for each,because without them life would not be as colored.In my view the basis of the any frends are the trust and the respect.

  5. Friendship is not how you forget, but how you forgive... not how you listen, but how you understand... not how you see, but how you feel... not how you let go, but how you hold on!:D.
    I think a true friend is the one who lives near you and knows you better than anyone.:)

  6. August the 3rd is the International Friendship Day for most of the nations in the world, time to recognize your friends and their contribution to your life. Friendship helps to bring peace and positivism to the globe. Friends come in many shapes, size and guises: school friends, work colleagues, siblings, partners, neighbors. Pull out all the stops and let your friend know they are truly appreciated.

  7. my best friend is my brother ;) I think this cpost is great. It makes me smile when i see that someone lets aside all the worries for a day and writes about beautiful things like friendship. Friendship is what really matters

  8. I don't agree with you AT ALL about "a person which is friendly with everybody, in fact has no friends".

    Friendly relationship is a broad affair, and how you say, "each one of us is different on his own way".

  9. I agree with the spanish guy. Being friendly with everybody doesn´t mean everybody is your friend. As always has been said, each person is a world, but not having anything to discuss is not a reason to avoid being friendly with somebody.
    About the topic of the thin line, there's not to much to say but to respect it anytime, anywhere and with anyone.
    I really liked reading the post of dorinusa11. Completely agreed.
